Diamond Jewellery

Diamond jewellery you can’t help but love.

Diamond jewellery is a timeless and classic piece of art that has been treasured for centuries. Whether it's an engagement ring, a necklace, or a pair of earrings, diamond jewellery is the epitome of luxury and elegance. Diamonds are known to be the hardest naturally occurring substance on earth and have been sought after for their brilliance and sparkle. The allure of diamond jewellery is not just in its beauty but also in its timelessness, making it an ideal investment for those looking for something that will never go out of style.

Rarity makes diamond jewellery all the more special

One of the key factors that make diamond jewellery so special is its rarity. Diamonds are formed deep within the earth's mantle and are brought to the surface through volcanic eruptions. It takes millions of years for diamonds to be formed and only a small percentage of diamonds are of high enough quality to be used in jewellery. This rarity combined with the effort and expertise required to mine, cut, and polish diamonds, make diamond jewellery a highly sought after item.

A selection of our Diamond Jewellery

Diamond Rings

Click here to see more Diamond Rings

Diamond Pendants

Click here to see more Diamond Pendants

The versatility of Diamond Jewellery

Another factor that makes diamond jewellery so valuable is its versatility. Diamonds come in a range of colours, including colourless, yellow, pink, and blue, and can be set in a variety of metals, including gold, platinum, and silver. This allows for a wide range of styles and designs, making diamond jewellery suitable for any occasion and personal style. Whether you are looking for something simple and classic or bold and modern, there is a diamond piece of jewellery to suit your needs.

The 4 C's of Diamonds

When purchasing diamond jewellery, it is important to keep in mind the "Four Cs" of diamonds: cut, clarity, carat weight, and colour. Cut refers to the way the diamond is cut, which affects its sparkle and brilliance. A well-cut diamond will reflect light in a way that maximises its beauty and makes it appear larger. Clarity refers to the number of inclusions and blemishes within a diamond and is graded on a scale from flawless to included. The higher the clarity, the more valuable the diamond. Carat weight refers to the size of the diamond and is often used as a measure of its value. The larger the diamond, the more valuable it is. Finally, colour refers to the hue of the diamond, with the most valuable diamonds being colourless.

Ensure your diamonds are authentic

When it comes to diamond jewellery, it's important to choose a reputable retailer. Not all diamonds are created equal and it is important to make sure that you are buying a piece of jewellery that is of high quality. Look for retailers that offer certificates of authenticity, which can assure you that the diamonds in your jewellery are genuine and of high quality.

One of the most popular forms of diamond jewellery is, of course, the engagement ring. Engagement rings are a symbol of love and commitment, and choosing the right one can be a big decision. When shopping for an engagement ring, it is important to consider the 4 C's of the diamond (as outlined above), as well as the style and metal of the ring. There are many forms that diamond engagement rings can take, so it's worth doing a little research to find the exact style you'll love.

Our diamonds are ethically sourced and quality assured